Entering the Market in USA
USA related forum posts
Expanding cleaning company to US
Hi, I would be interested in knowing whether it would be a good move to expand my cleaning company to the US. How would you go about doing this?
Total Posts: 3 Last post by Cooperval
Still a good business move?
hey there, me and the husband are planning to move our film collectables store to the usa (maybe even keep our existing one in the uk too) but we're unsure if this is such a good idea now. it is such a hard decision when all the advice we're getting is so mixed. some people seem optimistic for business in the coming year, others not. &l
Total Posts: 4 Last post by jonekane
USA Entering The Market
Before 2021, asking why a business should try to expand a business in the USA would have sounded a rhetorical; perhaps silly, question. Unpredictably, nowadays the question looks much more interesting. Instead of becoming shorter, the list of the possible answers has extended. At the top, the answer remains the same as usual: because it's America, baby. But later on, the reasons may be found in a boundless range of thoughts. Mainly, it is about ambition, ideas and faith.
It comes without saying that there have been better times to think about expanding a business in USA. But as the Chinese language suggests, crisis means also opportunity. After all, business is still there, even if it seems it will never been the same. Well, who knows? Most of the economists were not able to predict the crack, nor they are to size the recovery. Future is unpredictable. Here your instinct for business comes.
We were at the reasons why you should expand a business in the US. Crisis has not changed the fact that the country is the largest and most technologically powerful economy in the world, with a per capita GDP of $46,900. The economy is market-oriented: private individuals and business firms make most of the decisions, and the federal and state governments buy needed goods and services predominantly in the private marketplace. US business firms enjoy greater flexibility than their counterparts in Western Europe and Japan in decisions to expand capital plant, to lay off surplus workers, and to develop new products. US firms are at or near the forefront in technological advances, especially in computers and in medical, aerospace, and military equipment.
Moreover, the US economy is integrated and largely self-contained, with every major industry represented. US manufacturers often source components overseas. For who is interested in expanding a business in USA the sheer size of the country means it should be treated as a series of regional markets with varying characteristics. The United States consists of many different consumer markets, each with distinct tastes, purchasing behaviours, distribution systems, regulations and climates. Business and consumer practices not only vary from state to state, but city-to-city and town-to-town. Among the 50 united States, ten are larger than Britain. 307 million people live in the entire country, which is the third most populous in the world.
Information and business insight are readily available to you: no niche has been left uncovered, no service or product overlooked. The web is a fertile source of information and there is a huge quantity of market research, industry publications, statistics, associations, databases and studies available to help you identify where a product or service is most suited. Reliable sources of information are the Department of Trade and Investment website, in which you will find several useful report and guides, the British Chamber of Commerce website, the US Small Business Administration, the official site of the US Government dedicated to who is starting a business in USA. Forming an LLC in Florida is easy and affordable.
Attractions for UK business
Shared history and culture, a common language, the political and economic stability of the strong underlying relationships between the US and the UK are obviously the basis of the attractiveness of the US market. Besides, there is reputation: most American business people and consumers usually see the UK in a favourable and positive light. In fact British goods have traditionally enjoyed a good reputation for quality. It is not a case that the USA is Britain's largest single export market, taking $57b in recent years.
A wider market access to Canada and Mexico through the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the active support at federal and state level for international investment make the US market even more attractive. Licensing or incorporating a business in USA are interesting options as well.
Business opportunities
The basis to find out chances to win your day in the most competitive marketplace of the world is an accurate and up-to-date market research. Information are just out there, but expert advise could be useful. Remember you can commission from Department of Trade and Investment agency a long list of services through the Overseas Market Introduction Service (OMSI) including:
market and sector overview
assessment of the feasibility of your product/service in the USA
evaluation of your market-entry strategy
in-depth assessment of potential business contacts/partners
review of competitors operating in the same sector
summary of resources available in-market
An alternative is the government-subsidised service for UK exporters, called Export Marketing Research Scheme (EMRS). Companies with fewer than 250 employees may be eligible for a grant of up to 50% of the agreed cost of market research projects. Contact the British Chamber of Commerce for more information and application forms.
If you are carrying on your own market research, make sure you use a variety of methods to give you a rounded picture of the markets in which you wish to expand a business in USA.
Well on its way to recovering from the worst global recession since World War II, the United States continues to prove itself as a global leader for a multitude of sectors and industries. When setting up a business in USA your instinct is fundamental. However, here you have some ideas of sectors that have only recently emerged as major markets in the US and may be set up to see a more pronounced period of growth in the coming years:
Financial Services (Islamic Financing, Carbon Finance, Public-Private Partnerships*, Legal Services)
* According to a recent report, there are currently at least 25 states with PPP legislation that enable the use of various PPP approaches in the transportation sector. The states in the lead are Arizona, California, Florida, Pennsylvania, Indiana and Texas, with Chicago and Indianapolis mentioned as key cities. Other states such as Michigan and New York are catching up.
Marine Biotechnology (Although US marine biotechnology market is fairly small, it has enormous potential and the sector is growing quickly. The US, investing heavily in marine biotechnology)
Animation Sector (animated feature film production, special effects, animated TV series production, and Internet animation. UK animators have a high critical reputation)
Healthcare (Treatments for lifestyle disorders and diseases and neurological disorders; orthopedic devices; new drug delivery mechanisms; electronic health records (EHR); hand-held diagnostic and recording devices; software solutions, Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) detectors/dampeners, consumer-friendly medical information; monitoring devices; self-operated devices and telemedicine)
Power: clean coal technologies, environment solutions, renewable energy technologies.
UK companies starting a business in USA should be cautious of the intensely competitive and complex market place. They need to arm themselves with as much information as possible about the regulatory environment, integrated delivery systems and distribution infrastructure, before attempting to gain access to the US market, as mistakes will be costly.
Despite the similarities in language and culture between the UK and USA, each year hundreds of UK companies make the foray but soon return home empty handed, having neglected some fundamental cultural and structural differences which could have saved them large amounts of time and money.
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Organisations that can assist with Entering the Market
When expanding your business to the USA, don’t forget to protect your brand. We provide Trademark Registration Services in the USA.