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Lawrence Grant Chartered Accountants : United Kingdom

United Kingdom

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    International Taxation News

    Overseas property owners in the UK – the honeymoon is over!

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  1. starting a business

    Hi There!I was looking to bring in a skincare range from America to sell in UK, what legal procedures do I need to abide by? ie. licensinglaws, testing etc

    Total Posts: 9 Last post by davidcosta

  2. Company setup in Dubai

    Right start is essential for a Perfect Business”UAE provides a reputable and international Platform for all kind of businesses. Setting up in the UAE is an excellent choice because of the regulatory regime and the geographical time belt.Dubai has created a business environment that is well regulated without being unduly restrictive and offers operating conditions that are amongst the most

    Total Posts: 7 Last post by jsherwin011

Lawrence Grant Chartered Accountants

Our understanding of your business’s potential will help you avoid unnecessary taxes here in the UK and abroad. We service any inward business or investment requiring accounting or taxation services relating to a UK company, as well as providing cross-border tax advice to people looking to live and/or work in the UK.

Key to our success in this area is being an independent member of GGI - a multidisciplinary worldwide network of accountants, tax consultants & solicitors (which is currently ranked 6th Worldwide, according to Accountancy magazine survey – the UK's leading publication for the profession).

Through GGI we can provide investors with access to trusted professionals in over 90 countries, and our ability to facilitate complex economic and cultural climates can help you forge new business relationships.

Alternatively, if you are planning to re-locate overseas on an international posting, the tax issues can be numerous and complex. Making sure you have a very clear understanding of your tax obligations is absolutely essential.

In conjunction with our GGI associates, we can help with the following:

  • Formation & administration of UK companies
  • Formation of companies in other countries
  • Personal and company tax advice
  • Formation of offshore companies
  • Formation of offshore trusts
  • Advice and tax planning for non-domiciled UK residents
  • Advice and tax planning for domiciled UK non-residents
  • Simple and complex international tax structures to suit your circumstances and your budget

So if you are looking to invest in the UK, we can help with the following:

UK Companies

  • Cheap to set up and can be turned around in 24 hours.
  • Minimum share capital is 1 share in any currency.
  • UK resident director not obligatory, but we can introduce if required.
  • We provide full domiciliary services for UK companies.

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