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TASC Outsourcing : UAE


Services for UAE

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    Key Advantages

    TASC Outsourcing table of key advantages

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  1. starting a business

    Hi There!I was looking to bring in a skincare range from America to sell in UK, what legal procedures do I need to abide by? ie. licensinglaws, testing etc

    Total Posts: 9 Last post by davidcosta

  2. Company setup in Dubai

    Right start is essential for a Perfect Business”UAE provides a reputable and international Platform for all kind of businesses. Setting up in the UAE is an excellent choice because of the regulatory regime and the geographical time belt.Dubai has created a business environment that is well regulated without being unduly restrictive and offers operating conditions that are amongst the most

    Total Posts: 7 Last post by jsherwin011

TASC Outsourcing

Expand your business in Dubai with our Visa and Business facilitation services. We provide work visas and staffing solutions in the UAE. Simply contact us and depute your trusted sales personnel or business development manager in the UAE on our work visas within 7 days. As the UAE economy is growing tremendously, you can use us to leverage and gain a foothold into the Middle East market. We are 100% legal and fully compliant with all labour laws in the UAE. We have currently more than 3,000 contractors on our visa working with global multinationals like Pfizer, P&G, Microsoft, IBM, HSBC, Emirates, Etihad to name a few.

We offer an alternative and cost effective approach to enter the Dubai market. Instead of going through the traditional route of company incorporation or setting up your own branch; which involves complex paperwork, logistics, time and money; we provide a ‘try before you buy’ service where by you can start your operations in Dubai in less than 7 days’ time. By using us, you save on business Incorporation costs, legal costs, rent, utilities, fit-out costs and office maintenance expenses. If the business doesn’t work out, exiting the business would be as simple as sending us an email!

If you are one of the following contact us immediately:

  1. An overseas company looking to try or test out the Dubai (UAE) market.
  2. Recruitment and staffing company looking to collaborate or place contractors in Dubai (UAE)
  3. Freelancers looking to work legally in Dubai (UAE)
  4. Seeking advice to open a branch in Dubai (UAE)
  5. Payroll and recruitment solutions in the UAE
  6. HR services in the UAE

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