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Starting a Business in the UK- How to Create a Safe and Comfortable Office Space

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Starting a Business in the UK- How to Create a Safe and Comfortable Office Space

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If you are starting a business in the UK, it is important to take into account the new Covid-19 rules.

The rules are changing so often that it means it is important to constantly keep updated with it all. Aside from that, building your office space is such a big part of your company, so it is so important to make sure your staff are all happy and feel comfortable in the environment. Here are a few helpful tips to make your office space safe and comfortable for everyone working with you.

Comfortable Office Chairs

This may sound odd, but having an uncomfortable office chair can really impact your health. Having uncomfortable office chairs may result in your staff suffering from backache and even taking days off of work due to back pain. This then results in productivity levels decreasing. If your staff are suffering from backache and discomfort, then they won’t be able to fully concentrate on the work that they are producing, which can affect the quality of the work too. Investing in comfortable back support office chairs for your staff will let them know that you care about their health and wellbeing. They will feel appreciated, which adds to a great atmosphere in the office.


The lighting in your office is such an important factor when thinking about your staff’s health and wellbeing. If it is possible, getting an office space that is open plan to let in a lot of natural light is such a huge bonus for everyone, as having a nice bright light may reduce headaches and fatigue. Another point to mention is that if your staff are going to be working with computers, make sure you position their desks so that the screens aren’t prone to glare from any light source. If your staff are having to strain their eyes to see the screen because of light glare, it may affect their eye health and also their productivity levels. However, it is also important to have a bright enough working space to make sure that no accidents happen.


It is so important to keep the washrooms as clean as possible, especially with Covid-19 a constant threat. It is important to offer soap and hand sanitiser not only in the bathrooms but also everywhere else in the workplace too to make sure everyone is constantly disinfected. A key part of ensuring that your employees keep their hands clean is to make sure you have all of the correct washroom accessories. You’ll want to consider shelves, signage, towel rails and much more, so that staff have easy access to all the hand washing and hygiene products they need. Additionally, you’ll also want to consider how to ensure your accessories play a part in ensuring everything remains as clean as possible. This means you might want to opt for items that will not be touched when considering signage and even considering making towel rails more of a feature as opposed to something that is used at the moment.


Making sure your office flows correctly is so important not just for the fact that your staff can move around easier and more efficiently, but because exits cannot be obstructed for fire safety reasons, and the building needs to be easy to evacuate quickly for any reason. This means fire signage, and signage for exits, need to be made as clear as possible. It is also a good idea to have your office close to your team’s work area; having an open-door policy within a business is a great way to show your staff that you care for them and what they have to say. It can also make your business grow; if your staff feel like they’re comfortable enough to talk to you about anything, they will feel comfortable enough to give you feedback on how the business is being run and if they have any points to make that will help improve operations.

Food and Water

It is so important to make sure your staff constantly have access to food and water, whether that be from a vending machine or a café. Water fountains are a great way to keep making sure your staff are hydrated, and they are also very environmentally friendly. If you give your staff the option of bringing in their own reusable water bottle, they can then fill it up numerous times throughout the day, and no plastic will be going to waste.

It is important that your staff stay hydrated as it affects energy levels and brain function and is healthy in many other ways for the rest of the body. Try offering your staff some healthy snacks and healthy meals too for when they have their lunch, but remember to take into consideration their different dietary requirements. Catering for everyone will show your staff that you care about them.

Creating an office space is such an exciting first step for your business. However, you must make sure that everything is safe and that you are considering your team’s wellbeing in every decision you make.

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