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sim active in Hong Kong

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sim active in Hong Kong

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sim recently gained valuable experience in structural setups in Hong Kong. Via partnering service providers, we managed to open several entities with minimal time and financial efforts for our customers since beginning of the year.

Hong Kong Structures, although only one possible vehicle amongst others, still inherit of a beneficial treatment between China Mainland and Hong Kong, which leads to several key advantages, that can, given the right adaptation to the customer's needs, provide the necessary flexibility and control to run Mainland operations.
In close collaboration with the local service providers, sim interacts as a all-in-one service provider directly with the customer and offers key in hands solutions to be used as the investing parties in the mainland operations.
if you want to know more about our possibilities in Hong Kong please contact us

Marketing and Branding department further expands

After two years of development, we have our department of marketing & branding has been considerably expanding with new clients and new projects.

Beginning 2013, sim supported the SIno-Swiss Zhenjiang Industrial Park (SSZEIP) to design and produce its brochures for the Groundbreaking Ceremony which took place on January 22nd and where the Chinese government met the Swiss Ambassador of China , Mr. Jacques DE WATTEVILLEand the Consul General of Switzerland Shanghai, Mr. Heinrich Schellenberg.

sim continues to support Cicor, Sunstone and other Swiss companies in their development on the Asian and Chinese markets providing practical and easily implementable marketing and branding solutions.

To learn more, please feel free to contact us.

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