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Information for British citizens moving to or living in China, including guidance on residency, healthcare and travel.

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Information for British citizens moving to or living in China, including guidance on residency, healthcare and travel.

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Living in China

Registering with the Public Security Bureau

Foreign nationals in China must register their temporary residence with the Public Security Bureau (PSB) within 24 hours of arriving in the country. This is mandatory for any length of stay. If you are staying in a hotel, the hotel should be able to register you with thePSB. If you are residing somewhere other than a hotel (for example with family or friends), you must register yourself at the nearest police station within 24 hours of your arrival in China.

People should also be aware that you are required to re-register when you move residence, renew passport and each time you return from a trip abroad. Please contact the police station if you have any questions regarding this registration process.

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