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COVID-19 Defra Update

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COVID-19 Defra Update

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Summary of the latest news from the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs related to the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

At this busy time, Government communications are increasing to ensure that stakeholders are aware of updated guidance. This is a summary of guidance to date, 21 April 2020.

If you have insights from a relevant sector send it to

Latest guidance from Public Health England can be found here.

Celebrating the food industry

Defra has published a Twitter Moment and Facebook Note on how the food industry is changing the way it’s working.

It has also published a Twitter Moment and Facebook Note on how the food industry is helping the vulnerable.

Guidance for consumers on food

The Food Standards Agency has published guidance for consumers on coronavirus and food.

Guidance for food businesses on Coronavirus

New guidance for food businesses was published, on 25 March 2020.

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