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Bitcoin Trading Company in Denmark

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Bitcoin Trading Company in Denmark

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Background Information about Virtual Currencies

Virtual currencies are a form of unregulated electronic money, as opposed to real money is not issued and guaranteed by a central bank, which in some cases can be used as a method of payment.

Virtual currencies have emerged in many different forms, first in connection with on-line gaming and social networking.More recently, virtual currencies developed to be used as an alternative to real currency.

Bitcoin is the most popular virtual currency, but also Litecoin, ZeroCoin and Linden Dollars can be mentioned among othersthe more well known.

Bitcoin exchanged today with real currency and is accepted to an increasing extent, both on-line and off-line in the general economy by purchasing goods and services.

Virtual Currencies Product Perfomance

Bitcoin is a technology that can be used to trade with on a closed market.

Contrary to usual payment technologies such as credit cards and PayPal, Bitcoin is decentralized which means that no enterprise, state, organization, or country is behind the technology.

Virtual currencies are a type of unregulated electronic money, which contrary to real money are not issued and guaranteed by a central bank and which in certain cases can be used as a method of payment. One of the characteristics of the virtual currencies is that a real issuer does not exist, and thus no real obligation for the issuer.

Article supplied by TBA & Associates

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