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Application term 30%-ruling reduced to five years as of 2019

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Application term 30%-ruling reduced to five years as of 2019

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Both the Dutch House of Representatives and Senate have now approved the Tax Plan 2019 which includes the transitional rules for expats with a 30% ruling issued in 2018 or earlier. Therefore this new legislation will become effective as of January 1st 2019.

In short: As of the year 2019 the maximum application period for the 30% ruling will become five years. The application period of the existing rulings under the new legislation will depend on their current end date.

If the end date of an existing ruling is in 2019 or 2020, this end date will remain unchanged, if it falls in 2021, 2022 or 2023, then the new end date will be 31 December 2020. All later end dates will be shortened by three years.

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