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10 Tips To Work From Home For Less

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10 Tips To Work From Home For Less

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Working from home has become the new norm for many of us. While it comes with its perks, like skipping the daily commute and wearing pyjamas to meetings, it can also lead to unexpected expenses.

But fear not! You don't need to break the bank to create an effective and comfortable home office. Here are ten savvy tips to help you work from home for less, without compromising productivity or comfort.

1. Optimize Your Workspace

First things first, create a dedicated workspace. It doesn't have to be an entire room. A small desk in the corner of your living room or bedroom can do the trick. The key is to separate your work area from your living spaces to help you focus and define clear boundaries between work and leisure time.

2. Utilize Natural Lighting

Embrace natural light! Position your workspace near a window if possible. Not only does natural light boost your mood and productivity, but it also cuts down on electricity bills. Plus, it's a great way to get some vitamin D while typing away on your computer.

3. Go Green with Plants

Adding a few plants to your workspace can enhance your mood and purify the air. You don't need to splurge on exotic varieties; even simple, low-maintenance plants can make a big difference. They're an inexpensive way to bring a bit of nature and freshness to your work area.

4. DIY Your Decor

Personalize your garden office space without spending a fortune. DIY decor can add a personal touch to your workspace and make it more inviting. Whether it's repurposing old items or creating new art, the possibilities are endless and budget-friendly.

5. Invest in Ergonomics

While it's tempting to work from your couch, investing in an ergonomic chair and desk can save you from future back pain. It doesn't have to be pricey. Look for second-hand options or sales to find quality furniture that supports your posture without draining your wallet.

6. Minimize Printing

Think twice before you print. Not only does it save paper and ink, but it also encourages a clutter-free workspace. If you need to review documents, try doing it digitally. Embrace the digital age and save on those printing costs.

7. Shop Smart for Supplies

Be a savvy shopper when it comes to office supplies. Compare prices, look for deals, and only buy what you need. Sometimes, a surplus database or local thrift store can be a treasure trove for affordable office essentials.

8. Cut Energy Costs

Be mindful of your energy consumption. Turn off electronics when they're not in use and consider energy-efficient lighting options. Small changes can lead to significant savings on your utility bills over time.

9. Plan Your Meals

Working near your kitchen can lead to frequent snacking or expensive food delivery habits. Plan your meals and snacks to avoid unnecessary spending. Preparing your food can be healthier and more cost-effective than ordering in.

10. Use Free Software and Tools

Before splurging on expensive software, explore free or open-source alternatives. Many tools offer robust features without the hefty price tag, perfect for handling various tasks without impacting your budget.


Working from home doesn't have to be an expensive endeavour. With a bit of creativity and smart choices, you can create a productive and comfortable workspace without overspending. Remember, it's about making the best out of what you have and focusing on what truly adds value to your work-life balance. Happy working!

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